True story :)

In the fall of 2011 (ok today ;) ), I was hunting for a top that I had to wear for (say, "an upcoming event"). After trying almost a dozen of them, I started feeling that I've grown so fat, and can't fit into anything. In spite of making so many efforts to loose weight, it was all a waste.

This self condemn lasted for few minutes until I found the one which was a perfect fit. And that very moment, I felt ... this is the one!

The only quote that stuck me at that moment was 'Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing it's stupid.'

Very petty thing, but I don't know how many times I end up condemning myself for being unfit, when the fact is that I wasn't meant to fit there. But, I'll get to that some other time ;)

PS: Yessssssss, HIMYM is taking over me ;)


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