11'09''01 - September 11

This is another documentary in which 11 stories of different countries, each of 9 minutes 11 minutes are shown with some context to September 11 incident.
Five of the parts that I saw are here...

1. Story of a Deaf Girl
This is my favorite most. It's a story of a deaf girl who falls in love with a guy who is intermediary to the world as he understands her sign language. They marry but her disability brings some tension between them. The feeling of insecurity in the relation prompts her to write a letter to her husband when he goes out to work on Sep11. She writes to him about her decision to go away from his life as she feels she doesn't fit for him being a disabled. And that only "some miracle" can save their relation... However, the guy returns injured in sometime and loses his hearing ability in the incident.

2. Teacher and students
This story shows a teacher in Afghanistan telling students about 9/11 incident and asking them to pay homage to victims for 1 minute. However, the kids, being innocent and too young to understand it, discuss among each other about God killing and making people again, and God making airplanes to destroy people. The story ends when the teacher takes them to a tower there to explain what exactly happened. The story shows the innocence questioning the gruesome human acts.

3. Story of a man turned into a snake
This is another favorite of mine. It shows a Japanese soldier who turns into a snake though has human body. He crawls, eats rats, bites and does everything like a snake. The story shows that the war created so much disgust in him that he hated to be a man and turned into a snake.

4. Story of a Ghost
A soldier who is dead tells a man how war has ruined his life as he got married 3 days back to his gf and got killed in the war. His tells him the story of his family and his mother whose eyes wait for him as she could not say final goodbye to him when he left for war. It shows that we can undo the destruction but cannot answer to the questions of a mother waiting for her son.

5. Demonstration
A story of a 9/11 sufferer who demonstrates on every 11th of the month with other families of victims to protest against war due to 9/11 so that innocent family members of the enemy country do not have to bear the same.



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