Behind the frame..

It's almost been a month since I am seeing this world from a frame (literally). Being a thinker, it triggered different thoughts and funny experiences that I am sharing here...

1. So, the very first time you wear spects, there is an 'ackward feeling'. For me, the definition of ackwardness was hilarious, confusing and 'thoughtful' questions :P  I'll give you some examples, '' Is it normal for your eyelashes to touch the glass?'', ''How do you see things that are above or below your frame?''

2. Well, there's more to it.. The very first week of wearing spects is all about adjustment - for you, and for the people around (seeing a new 'you'). But for me, not many people were able to notice my new look as they assumed I have always been wearing the spects. :O

3. Then comes a stage when you are finding your "comfort time'' with glasses. You don't know if you can see better with glasses on, or glasses off. It is the toughest phase...

4. It is followed by a phase when your own perception changes. I was feeling 'serious' and 'responsible' like never before :P

5. There was a phase when you have this state of mind that everything you are watching is in a TV!!! (Actually this is subject to shape of your frame :P) It's dangerous if you end up laughing on someone's face thinking it's a comic punch of a sitcom!

6. OK, so after some days of settlement, these glasses become a part of your life... You are about to officially picture yourself with them when all of a sudden, you find some relative/neighbor staring you with a question mark on his (her) face with a silly smile... "are isse chasshma lag gaya??'' :O

Oooops! It takes you back to point 2...

Disclaimer: The sequence of the phases is subject to type of frames, power of glasses and how well you can carry yourself in this new look ;)


wamcee said…
Good going, you have passed all the crucial stages..btw why don't you opt for contact lens?
Unknown said…
how long did it take you to find that doodle??? (I wonder)
Anonymous said…
good day - re your " fabric post" yesterday pm me and i will definatley get back to you these are excelent but used
jamie dentims

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