The Butterfly Effect
This is one of the really though provoking movies that I have seen in long time. A very interesting concept of traveling in the past to change one unpleasant thing, and consequently, a lot of other things change as well.
I often wonder if I could change one thing in the past, then life would be so much better. However, I can't even imagine how this small change could have other consequences and present would have been just so different than what it is.
Also, finding the right point which you want to change so that other important things don't get affected is very important point. In this movie (spoiler alert), Evan purposefully upsets Kayleigh so that she lives with her mother, and so not get affected by her pervert father. Her brother too, therefore has a normal life, and as a group they never commit the dynamite accident or hurt Kayleigh when he grows up, and also makes sure his mother is fine too.
Oh, and for the not-so-science lovers, I figured out that the term 'the butteryfly effect' is actually used in a physics theory. Small change at one place can have large affect at other place. A Butteryfly flapping wings in one part of the world (minor things) can cause hurricance in other part of the world (major things). And no wonder, it is a common term in fiction too to present scenarios related to time travel where one storyline diverges from a minor event to two significantly different outcomes.