
Showing posts from 2008


. Another update about the movie I have watched three times by now, and loved it more every time. The wonderful part was the message conveyed by the movie that even if the other person “forgets” to love you at some point of time in life, you should have the confidence that you can make him/her fall in love again. A beautiful thought of “falling in love everyday with the same person” is worth analyzing. It answers a question that pops out in my mind that what’s the guarantee that there will be a future in a relationship, and that the two people will always share the same equation as they do. The answer is that love brings with itself the confidence that it won’t waver to start all over again if needed be. Beautiful thought, isn't? :) .


. I just finished this book after picking it up for the second time. And the very achievement that I finished it in four days whetted my appetite for more. However, I take a moment off and capture my reaction. When I picked up the book for the first time, all I knew that it was an award winning book. The title meant something else to me.And I dropped it after few chapters for some reason. A week ago, I picked up the book again. And now, I can say it is a masterpiece. The description of the story is something I really admire. The way children perceive the world around, the source of different thoughts into their mind, and those thoughts popping in and out...everything is just beautifully described. The vernacular touch was also appreciable. The book actually deserves the BOOKER PRIZE. Arundhati Roy has simply done a brilliant work. The way a sad, gloomy story has been put into words to fill it with innocent and humorous colors, really caught my attention. The oneness of twins...